Environmental Camp Site
Environmental Camp Site.
Project title: Reforest the province of Avé.
Place of the Project: Avé province 30 minutes from Lome the capital.
Domain: Environment
Domain of ??Knowledge and Skills: Silviculture, Sustainable Ecology,
Linguistics: French / otherwise English.
Duration: 1-3 months
Project description :
Do you like protecting the environment and working outdoors? So this job could interest you! This project will consist at first to raise the population of the province of Avé on reforestation, bushfires, while continuing its activities in the fight against environmental degradation; Then the site will do the reforestation. Plant trees throughout the province acacia-dominant, forest species. It is planned the plantation of the fruit species (mango, lemon, guava, tangerine ...) in families, these families will be in charge of the maintenance of the plants.To do this, plant protection will be given to them and training in plant protection technique.In the end the site will follow up on the work done.
Objective of the project
The main objectives of the project are: Plant and replenish previous reforestation throughout the province,
Expected results,
Fruit will be available for the beneficiaries. Complement of some forest species: Nere, Baobab, Eucalyptus, Nem Fruits, leaves, almonds for human consumption. Almond processing, Firewood will be available, ground fertilization, ground restoration.
Expected results of the project,
Plants will be planted in the province, Creating micro climate in the province
Environmental impact
Erosion recoil, Reforestation of spaces,ground recovery,
The living environment of the populations will be improved.
Activities to be lead,
Purchase of plants
The nursery: the Ministry of the environment of water and forests will provide the necessary plants. Otherwise, the private nurserymen of the locality will be called upon.
Impact on gender.
The worrying task of women in rural areas is the collection of firewood.
This painful activity will no longer be their daily concern and men will no longer go to destroy the forests to provide firewood for their wives. All the benefits of reforestation will be available to them.
The planting of its trees will have multiple benefits * to give shade to the families of the province,
* delimit the yard and stop the winds, * fruit * medicines (native) * kitchen wood * wood constructions * feed the animals.
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Last edited: Mon 27 may 2019